
All silk handmade carpet

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All silk handmade carpet

Due to the use of pure silk fibers, hand-woven all-silk carpets have a wonderful shine and softness that distinguishes them from other carpets. These carpets give a unique effect to the desired space due to the power of light reflection and variety of vivid and beautiful colors. The detailed and artistic motifs and designs that are woven on these carpets are the result of the efforts and skills of skilled weavers and give these carpets special and valuable features. Despite the softness and delicacy of silk, with proper care, all-silk rugs can last for years and be considered a valuable work of art and investment.

The history of the all-silk hand-woven carpet

The weaving of silk carpets in Iran dates back to the Sassanid era (224-651 AD) and even before that, but the prosperity of this art is mainly attributed to the Safavid era (1736-1501 AD). During this period, the Safavid kings and their cultural supporters paid special attention to the art of silk carpet weaving and used this art as a symbol of their power and wealth. Skilled weavers weave complex and beautiful carpets with traditional and indigenous designs in large workshops supported by the court and using the best raw materials.  
During this period, silk carpets were not only used as decorative coverings for palaces and mosques, but were also bought and sold as valuable works of art and exported to other countries. In the following centuries, this tradition continued in different periods and gradually, all-silk carpets became known as a symbol of Iranian art and culture at the world level.  
Today, all-silk carpets are still considered outstanding examples of Iranian carpet weaving art and are highly valued for their detailed designs, vivid colors, and unparalleled quality.

All silk carpets in the modern world

In the modern world, all-silk carpets still have a special place and are known as one of the symbols of valuable handicrafts. Despite extensive changes in lifestyle and interior decoration, these rugs have remained popular due to their unique features. Currently, full silk carpets are used not only as luxury floor coverings, but also as works of art and decoration.  
One of the most important features of these carpets in the modern world is the unique variety of designs and colors that harmonize them with different tastes. Interior designers and collectors use these rugs in luxurious spaces due to their high quality, luster of silk, and fine artistic details. Also, full silk carpets are displayed in museums and international exhibitions as a symbol of the rich culture and history of Iran and other producing countries.

Features of all silk handwoven carpet

All-silk handmade carpet is one of the most beautiful and valuable types of carpets in the world, which has a special place in the art of carpet weaving due to its unique features. One of the most prominent features of these carpets is their natural luster and luster. Due to its special fiber structure, silk reflects light beautifully, making all-silk carpets look stunning and luxurious under natural or artificial light. This feature makes silk carpets an ideal choice for spaces that seek beauty and splendor.  
The unique softness of all silk carpets is also one of their other important features. Silk fibers are very soft and pleasant, and when walking on these carpets, they convey a special feeling of comfort and relaxation. This softness and delicacy, along with intricate and detailed designs and patterns, doubles the appeal of these carpets. Silk allows weavers to create very delicate and highly detailed designs on carpets. The patterns, which usually include traditional patterns, flowers, and natural landscapes, and are skillfully carved on the carpet by weavers, are considered a valuable work of art.  
Another outstanding feature of all silk carpets is their vivid and stable colors. Silk, due to its high power in color absorption, makes the colors used in these carpets very transparent and bright. These colors fade less over time, provided that the carpet is kept in good condition. In general, the all-silk handwoven rug has always been admired and appreciated for its unique set of features, both as a work of art and as a valuable investment.

Differences between silk carpet and full silk carpet

The differences between silk carpet and full silk carpet can be seen in several features. In silk carpets, the warp is made of silk and the weft is made of various materials such as wool, fluff or viscose, while in full silk carpets, both the warp and the weft are made entirely of silk. This difference makes all silk carpets more delicate and exquisite. Also, the price of full silk carpet is significantly higher, because this type of carpet is considered the most expensive type of silk carpet.  
In terms of longevity, all-silk carpets are more durable due to the use of silk in both the warp and weft sections, while silk carpets have a shorter lifespan due to the use of different fibers in the weft. The resistance of all silk carpets is also higher and these carpets show better resistance to moisture and sunlight, while silk carpets may have less resistance due to the combination of different materials. In terms of maintenance, silk rugs require more care and maintenance, while all-silk rugs require less maintenance due to the use of silk. In terms of application, silk carpets are more suitable for low-traffic and decorative places, while all-silk carpets are used both in high-traffic places and as valuable works of art due to their higher durability and beauty.

Advantages and disadvantages of all silk handmade carpet


Impressive shine and beauty:

Due to its special fiber structure, silk has the ability to reflect light, which makes all-silk carpets have a shiny and bright effect. This feature gives them a luxurious effect that attracts attention in any space. This brilliance is especially visible in interior spaces with proper lighting and creates a stunning beauty.

Unparalleled tenderness and softness:

All silk carpets are very soft and delicate, and walking on them induces a feeling of peace and comfort. This feature is due to the structure of silk fibers, which is very delicate and flexible. The softness of these carpets is not only pleasant to the touch, but also considered as a relaxing factor in interior decoration.

Complex and delicate designs and motifs:

Because of its thinness and precision, silk allows the creation of very detailed and complex patterns. Skilled weavers can implement very delicate and highly detailed designs on all silk carpets, which adds to the artistic and cultural value of these carpets. These designs usually include traditional and slime motifs, flowers, and natural landscapes that are woven with a special delicacy.

Durability and longevity:

Contrary to popular belief that silk is a weak and fragile material, all-silk carpets can last for years or even centuries if properly maintained. Silk is naturally stretch-resistant, and if properly cared for, will retain its quality over time. These carpets can be passed down as family heirlooms from one generation to another.

High investment value:

Because of their rarity, complexity in production, and unparalleled quality, full silk rugs are often considered an investment. The value of these rugs increases over time and can be considered as assets with high financial value. Also, these carpets are sold as remarkable works of art in international exhibitions and auctions.


High price and limited availability:

Silk is an expensive material, and the production process of all-silk carpets is also time-consuming and laborious. Therefore, these rugs are usually much more expensive than rugs made from other materials. This high price can make them difficult for many people to purchase and limit access to them.

Sensitivity to moisture and light:

Silk is sensitive to moisture and direct sunlight. Exposure to moisture can reduce the durability and shape of these rugs, and direct sunlight may cause them to fade and lose their luster. Therefore, the maintenance of all silk carpets requires special care and attention, and it should be avoided to place them in humid areas or exposed to direct sunlight.

The need for careful care and maintenance:

All silk carpets require special care. Cleaning them should be done very carefully and using inappropriate chemicals can damage the texture and color of these carpets. Also, exposure of these carpets to heavy wear or heavy objects should be avoided, as it may cause them to wear or tear.

Sensitivity to stains and pollution:

Due to the softness and delicacy of silk, these carpets are more sensitive to stains and dirt. Removing stains from all silk rugs can be challenging and can damage the texture or discolor the rug if not done properly. For this reason, the use of these carpets in places that are subject to pollution or high traffic, requires more care and caution.

The production process of all silk carpets

The process of producing all-silk carpets is a delicate and complex art that requires high skill and great precision. This process begins with the selection and preparation of silk fibers. Natural silk obtained from silkworm cocoons is spun into thin and strong threads after washing and separating impurities. Due to their natural elegance and luster, these threads provide a basis for creating a high-quality and beautiful carpet.  
After preparing the silk, the design and drawing stage begins. At this stage, a detailed map of the desired design and roles is prepared, which serves as a guide for the weaver in the weaving process. These drawings usually include very detailed details and different colors, each of which is accurately executed on the carpet. The weaver carefully and patiently ties the silk threads to the carpet threads to form the desired design. Each knot is carefully tied up by hand, which can take months or even years, depending on the size and complexity of the rug design.  
After finishing the weaving, the carpet reaches the polishing and modification stage. At this stage, the excess piles are trimmed to make the surface of the carpet smooth and even. Also, the edges and borders of the carpet are carefully checked and corrected so that no defects remain. Then the carpet is washed to remove any dirt and make its colors and shine more prominent. Finally, the carpet is ready for final inspection and packaging to be released to the market.  
These stages of production, from the selection of raw materials to the texture and final finishing, show the complexity and artistry in the production of all-silk carpets. Due to the precise and time-consuming steps of production, these carpets are known as valuable works of art all over the world and have a special place in the art of carpet weaving.

Silk dyeing

Silk dyeing is a complex and precise process that requires special precision and skill to give silk fibers a beautiful and stable color. The process begins with silk preparation, which involves thoroughly washing and cleaning the fibers to remove impurities and natural oils. After preparation, it is time to choose and prepare colors, which can be from natural sources such as pomegranate skin and saffron or synthetic chemical colors. In the next step, the pigments are mixed with water and prepared as a colored solution.  
The prepared silk is immersed in the dye solution for a certain period of time so that the dye is well absorbed into the fibers. Accurate control of time and temperature is necessary at this stage so that the color is uniformly and stably transferred to the silk. After dyeing, the silk is washed to remove excess dyes and stabilize the final color. The silk is then gently dried to remove any remaining moisture and fully set the color. Finally, colored silk is ready for weaving and final production, and the colors applied at this stage can be seen in the form of different designs and motifs on all silk carpets.  
Because of its sensitivity and complexity, silk dyeing requires special attention to details and each step must be done carefully to obtain beautiful and stable colors on silk fibers. Proper care of dyed silk includes avoiding exposure to direct sunlight and high humidity to prevent color fading and fiber damage.

Maintenance and care of all silk carpets

Due to their special features and high value, full silk carpets require special care and maintenance to maintain their durability and beauty. In order to maintain the beauty and quality of all silk carpets, it is necessary to avoid stains and pollution. It is better to avoid placing these carpets in places that are exposed to pollution and moisture. Also, avoid using harsh chemicals on the carpet, as these can damage the silk texture.  
To prevent the accumulation of dust and small particles in the texture of the carpet, you should sweep it regularly. Using a vacuum cleaner with low power and without rotating brush is the most suitable method for this work. Regular sweeping helps keep the texture of the carpet clean and prevents wear and damage to the fibers.  
If a stain occurs, it must be removed immediately. First, gently wipe the stain off the carpet with a clean, dry cloth. Then you can use special cleaning solutions for silk carpets. To do this, pour the solution on a clean and soft cloth and gently apply it on the stain. Avoid applying the solution directly to the carpet to avoid damaging the fibers. If you are unable to remove the stain, it is better to use the services of experts in this field.  
All silk carpets must be maintained in proper condition to avoid damage to their texture. These carpets should be placed in well-ventilated areas away from direct sunlight to prevent color fading and fiber damage. Also, avoid placing heavy or sharp objects on the carpet, as these objects can damage the texture of the carpet.  
Moisture can damage the texture of silk and cause the carpet to rot or change its shape. Therefore, you should avoid placing all-silk carpets in wet places such as bathrooms or kitchens. If moisture occurs in the carpet storage area, you should dry it immediately and use dehumidifiers to reduce the air humidity.

Full silk carpet designs and patterns

The designs and motifs of all silk carpets have a unique complexity and beauty due to the special features of this type of carpets and the use of silk fibers. Among the most common designs, we can mention flower and bush motifs, which include decorative flowers, leaves and stems, and give carpets a natural and artistic effect. Geometric designs, which include various shapes such as rectangles, rhombuses, and circles, add a classic and modern beauty to rugs because of their regularity. Slime motifs, with intricate curved lines, and hunting grounds, depicting animals and natural landscapes, are other popular patterns in all-silk carpets. Also, enamel designs, which include very delicate and complex details of natural or geometric patterns, give these carpets a special beauty due to their high accuracy and elegance. Garden motifs, which depict scenes of lush gardens, and traditional Iranian designs such as "Bukhara" and "Tabriz" are also popular designs in these carpets. In addition to these traditional motifs, modern and abstract designs are also used in some all-silk carpets, which give these carpets an innovative and different effect with unconventional shapes and colors. These designs and motifs not only add to the beauty of the carpet and turn it into a work of art, but also reflect the culture and history of the art of carpet weaving.

All silk carpet structure

Due to the use of silk fibers in all its components, the all-silk carpet has a unique and high-quality structure that distinguishes it from other types of carpets. Due to the special characteristics of silk, these carpets have a unique elegance, softness, and shine, and a lot of precision and skill is used in their production.

1. Weave:

In all-silk carpets, the warp and weft, which act as the skeleton and basic structure of the carpet, are made of silk threads. Due to their high resistance and flexibility, silk threads are the right choice for creating a strong yet delicate structure. Vertical warps and horizontal wefts provide a basis for tying silk threads and creating carpet patterns and designs.

2. Nodes:

The knots of the full silk carpet, which make up its motifs and designs, are tied manually using silk threads. These knots are usually very fine and dense, which gives the rug more elegance and detail. In all-silk carpets, the number of knots per square inch is usually very high, which indicates the high quality and complexity of the carpet.

3. Lint:

The piles of the carpet, which cover its surface and give it softness and softness, are also made of silk. Due to the use of natural silk, these piles have a special shine and effect that gives the carpet more beauty and charm. Silk piles are usually shorter and denser than other carpets, which helps maintain the carpet's sleek and smooth appearance.

4. Color and pattern:

All-silk carpets have vivid and bright colors due to the high ability of silk to absorb color. Silk dyeing is usually done with care and using high-quality natural or chemical dyes, which helps to maintain the stability and brilliance of the colors over time. The patterns and designs of these carpets are very detailed and beautiful due to the elegance and accuracy of the texture and are known as valuable works of art.

5. Margin and context:

The borders and the background of all silk carpets are also woven using silk threads and usually include designs and patterns that have a special harmony and balance with the main design of the carpet. These parts are also carefully designed and woven to add to the overall beauty of the carpet and complete it.  
The structure of the all-silk carpet, using silk fibers in all components, creates a high-quality, long-lasting carpet, and a beautiful and bright appearance. These carpets are known as one of the most valuable and expensive carpets in the market due to the complexity of the texture and the use of quality raw materials.

Tools and equipment used in the weaving of full silk carpet

Weaving all-silk carpets requires special tools and equipment that allow carpet weaving artists to create these works of art with unparalleled precision and elegance. One of the main tools is the carpet hanger, which is used as the main frame to hold the yarns during the weaving process. The carpet hanger can be vertical or horizontal and its size varies depending on the dimensions of the carpet. Another important tool is the comb or daftin, which is used to beat and compress the wefts and knots and helps to create density and uniformity in the texture of the carpet. Scissors are another essential tool used to cut excess threads and tidy up the surface of the carpet. Weaving knife is also used to accurately cut the knots after each row of weaving. Also, the weaving hook is used to guide the threads and tie them accurately on the threads. All these tools, together, provide the possibility of producing high-quality all-silk carpets with complex and beautiful designs.

The main centers producing all-silk carpets

All-silk carpet production centers are located in the world, especially in the countries of Iran, India, China, and Turkey, each with a rich history and special skills in the art of carpet weaving, producing carpets of unparalleled quality and beauty.

1. Iran:

Iran is known as one of the largest and most famous producers of all-silk carpets in the world. The cities of Qom, Kashan, Tabriz, and Isfahan are among the most important production centers of this type of carpets. Each of these cities produces carpets that are world-renowned for their unique designs and motifs.

2. India:

India is also one of the leading producers of all silk carpets. The cities of Kashmir and Varanasi are especially famous for producing silk carpets with intricate designs and vivid colors. The carpets produced in these areas are of very high quality due to the high skill of the weavers and the use of high quality silk.

3. China:

China is another important producer of all silk carpets in the world. The regions of Beijing and Shanghai are especially famous for the production of silk carpets with traditional designs and beautiful motifs. Chinese silk carpets are in the attention of global markets due to their elegance and fine details in texture and design.

4. Türkiye:

Türkiye is also one of the countries that has become famous in the production of full silk carpets. The cities of Konya and Kayseri are especially known as important centers for the production of these types of carpets. Turkish silk carpets are noted for their traditional designs and high quality texture and are considered as a part of the rich culture and art of this country.  
Each of these production centers play an important role in maintaining and developing the silk carpet production industry by taking advantage of the art and knowledge passed down from generation to generation and supply valuable works of art to the world markets.

Quality and durability of full silk carpet

Due to the use of natural silk fibers, full silk carpets are significantly of high quality and durability. Silk, as a natural material, has high strength, flexibility and resistance, which gives carpets a long life and wear resistance. In addition, silk carpets have a soft and delicate surface due to the high density of knots and precise texture, which not only displays extraordinary beauty and shine, but also helps maintain the structure and quality of the carpet over time. These carpets are highly resistant to moisture and stains, but they require careful care to maintain their quality and brilliant colors. With proper care, full silk rugs can last for generations and still retain their beauty and value.

Final word

Finally, all-silk carpets are a symbol of art, history and culture, which are made with high precision and elegance, and are known as one of the most expensive and valuable works of art. These carpets, with their exceptional quality and durability, not only adorn different spaces, but are also considered as a lasting asset and a valuable souvenir of past generations. Each full silk carpet contains a story of the efforts and creativity of the weaving artists in its heart and can always be admired and praised as one of the most beautiful manifestations of handmade art in the world. Proper care of these carpets will ensure the preservation of their beauty and value over time.

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If you are interested in reading other articles in the field of Handwoven carpets or Handwoven Pictorial Rug Tableaus, please refer to Hoveida Carpet Commercial .

Azitta Farahani

Azitta Farahani

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